I. Love. Spring.

I hate to admit this, but I think spring is my favorite time of year. I’ve always been a summer junkie. I seriously LOVE summer. I am cooler-natured than most, so heat doesn’t bother me much. I love blue skies and soaking up vitamin D beside absolutely ANY body of water. The ocean, TableRock Lake, our little pond, or even the creek that skirts around our property. Summer with my toes in the water, the sun warming my bones and a book in my hand is pretty hard to beat! Plus, I’m a teacher. So there’s that. 😉

But spring, you turn my chin and awaken me. I think I’m most excited about being outside in the spring. Every day I step outside there is another surprise waiting! Yesterday I worked in the high tunnel. We had more growth in there in the last week than we’ve had in the last two months! I drove to town and found a few trees budding out. We have baby calves y’all. This is cuteness overload! Just don’t get too close-because mamas are fierce! Every bit of green that pops out here and there makes me feel content and happy.

So maybe spring is making me excited because I’m trying to say goodbye to Missouri winter? Whatever it is, spring makes me happy.
