Deposit for Side of Beef
All of our beef is grass fed and grass finished. We do not feed grain. We run South Poll cattle here on Liberty Hill Farm. They have a smaller frame, and are uniquely suited not only for our climate and farm conditions, but also for grass finishing. The care that we take with our herd shows in the quality of the meat.
This side of beef will be taken to LaMonte Meats in June of 2023 for processing. The final weight and price of the side will be determined by the hang weight at the processor. We understand that it's important for our customer to have a "ball park" figure for what a side of beef will cost. A total cost (including processing) is approximately $1,150 - $1,300 per side. We will send you an invoice with the final balance due for the animal once we have hang weight from the processor.
As soon as we have your balance due on the animal, (and the processing is done) you are free to pick up the meat from the processor. We give the processor your name and number, and they will contact you as soon as your meat is ready. We will also be picking up the meat from the processor when they are done. If you would like us to get yours too, please just let us know and we can meet in Warrensburg, or you can pick up at our farm.
For your convenience, we have pre-selected our favorite cuts. You may choose Scott's Favorites below. If you choose one of those options, the cost of processing will be included in your final payment to the farm.
If you would prefer to deal with the processor directly, choose the custom option and we will give them your name and phone number and they will call you to get cutting instructions.
Processing cost is dependent upon the cuts you choose. For example, ground costs a bit more than cut, and hamburger patties will cost more than ground. If you choose the custom option, you will pay Liberty Hill Farm for the cost of the meat, and Cuttin Up for the cost of processing. If you choose "Scott's Favorites," the cost of the processing will be added to the balance due for the beef. We will supply the receipt from the processor as well.
Scott's Favorite Cuts
If you would prefer that we deal with the processor for you, you can choose the Scott's Favorites.
Scott's Favorites will include the following cuts of your side:
1-inch thick: KC Strips, Filets, Bone-in Ribeyes, Sirloin Steak
1/2" thick: tenderized round steaks
2-3# chuck roasts, and brisket
Soup bones, stew meat, fajita strips
Lots of lean ground beef in 1# packages