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Missouri Ice!

Yet another day of no school for us – and I just got notification that we will not have school tomorrow either.  Currently, all surfaces outside are ice-covered and glistening.  The pictures are from a fellow farmer who ventured out to capture the beauty.  Thank you to Papa Shrubs Arboreal Nursery, Orchard and Vineyard for the gorgeous photos!

It’s pretty – from a distance. I mean it’s pretty as long as I’m inside in my fluffy socks and sweater, holding a steaming cup of coffee and looking out my window from my warm house.  It’s that kind of pretty. I am a pretty tough ole gal. I am a veteran, served with both the Navy and the Marines. I am a city girl who married a farmer and I don’t think twice about jumping in and catching chickens, or moving cattle. I’ve given a baby pig CPR when I rescued it from drowning in a bucket of milk – that I had milked from our cantankerous cow.  I have crawled through crap, I have birthed three children. I am a high school teacher. (These are my examples of how I’m tough.) BUT, I am a total wuss when it comes to cold. Yes, I grew up in Missouri! But I spent 4 years in Hawaii, and I think it thinned my blood or something. I absolutely cannot stand the cold! I really would love to get outside right now and take phenomenal ice pictures with my Canon, but I just will not.  Arctic air on my face makes every joint in my body scream, and I’ll just pass on it thank you very much.

So thank you.  Thank you to every single person, including my hubs who goes outside and makes sure that the cows are fed and have water.  Road crews: you have my sincerest gratitude. From this tough ole gal, I thank you! Linemen – props to you! Yes, I noticed that my electricity went out in the three o’clock hour this morning, and that it came back on in the six o’clock hour.  I cannot send you enough love. To all of you who have to get out in this bitter cold and ice, and work for the rest of us, a sincere thank you.

I’m not going anywhere; I’m going to sip my hot coffee and peruse seed catalogs while dreaming of daffodils. Peace and blessings from icy west-central Missouri!


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